a) Hatékony csapatmunka képzés
b) b) Irodai szoftverek plusz képzés
c) Munkahelyi egészségfejlesztés képzés
Célok: munkafolyamatok fejlesztése, vezetői készségek fejlesztése, kommunikáció fejlesztése
A projekt célja, hogy a vállalkozásunk részére nyújtott támogatásnak köszönhetően munkahelyi képzések valósuljanak meg, ezzel növelve szolgáltatásaink színvonalát.
Adós neve: SHS Kft.
Hitel összege: 25.000.000 Ft
Célok: munkafolyamatok fejlesztése, vezetői készségek fejlesztése, kommunikáció fejlesztése
Project ID: GINOP-5.2.4-16-2016-00699
Start of project implementation: 2017.03.29.
Amount of awarded support: 4.576.883 .- Ft
Intensity of support: 100 %
End of project implementation:
As part of the project, 2 interns are being employed in the field of payroll managing, and the needed equipment is being purchased.
The professional and technical content of support.
9 months salary allowance support related to the employment of 2 interns.
The cost of one main contact from the company, 70,000 per month for 9 months.
Purchase of equipment: purchase of intangible assets (1 server, 2 chairs, 2 desks) to evolve apprenticeship workplaces and work equipment.
Project title: Introduction of Flexible Employment at SHS Kft.
Project ID: GINOP-5.3.2-16-2016-00108
Start of project implementation: 2017.06.01.
Amount of awarded support: 11.706.015,- Ft
Intensity of support: 100 %
End of project implementation:
The professional and technical content of support: introduction and implementation of flexible employment reform for 10 employees in casual and full-time employment.
The jobs to be transformed are in line with the business practices of the company.
Achievable results: improvement of work organization culture, an increase of employee satisfaction, motivation and loyalty, the introduction of new work cultures, development of managerial mindset, and the strengthening of work-life balance.
Purchase of needed equipment, intangible assets, employing a workplace mentor and make use of the advice in the interest of the implementation of the employment form.
Project ID: GINOP-6.1.6-17-2018-00701
Project title: On-the-job training at SHS KFT
Physical Completion Date of the Project: 2020.03.31.
Amount of awarded support: 15.370.760,- Ft
Intensity of support: 100 %
Introduction of the Project
The qualification of the employees shows heterogeneity, unfortunately, the general knowledge and digital competence are at a quite basic level in the company. To increase the competitiveness of the company and to develop the basic and personal competencies of the employees, the development of generic skills and digital competence was required. The project also included ECDL Select Start training, Communication training, Conflict management training, Team building training and Foreign language communication training.
As a result of the mentioned trainings, we have a workforce with qualifications and competencies which are appropriate to market conditions and contribute to the competitiveness of our company.
After the project is completed, our employees will have more up-to-date knowledge, to carry out their day-to-day activities. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of March 2020.
Project ID: GINOP-6.1.6-17-2018-00701
Project title: On-the-job training at SHS KFT
Projekt fizikai befejezésének dátuma: 2020.08.29.
Amount of awarded support: 15.370.760,- Ft
Intensity of support: 100 %
Introduction of the Project
The qualification of the employees shows heterogeneity, unfortunately, the general knowledge and digital competence are at a quite basic level in the company. To increase the competitiveness of the company and to develop the basic and personal competencies of the employees, the development of generic skills and digital competence was required. The project also included ECDL Select Start training, Communication training, Conflict management training, Team building training and Foreign language communication training.
As a result of the mentioned trainings, we have a workforce with qualifications and competencies which are appropriate to market conditions and contribute to the competitiveness of our company.
A projekt megvalósítása után vállalkozásunk munkatársai naprakészebb tudással fognak rendelkezni a mindennapi tevékenységük elvégzéséhez.
a projekt címe: Az SHS Kft. napelemes projektje
a projekt azonosítószáma: GINOP-4.1.3-19-2020-01996
a projekt elszámolható összköltsége: 2.970.000,- Ft,
a vissza nem térítendő támogatás összege: 2.970.000,- Ft.
a támogatás intenzitása: 100 %.
A projekt keretei között, az SHS Kft. székhelyén (7341 Mágocs, Szabadság utca 31.) kiépítésre kerül egy
14.96 kWp névleges teljesítményű napelemes rendszer, így fenntartható módon, környezettudatosan tudjuk
végezni mindennapi munkánk. A napelemes rendszer telepítésével az éves energiafogyasztásunk 98,98 %-
át tudjuk kiváltani megújuló energiaforrás igénybevételével. A rendszer hozzásegít minket, hogy a jövőben
csökkenteni tudjuk a károsanyag kibocsátásunkat.